On 1st December 2013, in time for the coming FIBO Exhibition in Cologne, Germany for this year 2014, X- Force is going to launch their functional site.
Since its creation of X-Force AB website in October 2008. X-Force AB has been recognized with its Negative Training Concept 3-1-5 and its hands-on approach of implementing X-Force’s training concept in involving or offering active participation in every project locally and globally.
The fundamental point of X-Force Training, compared to other forms of training, is to deliver a combination of static, concentric and increased eccentric resistance.
That only means that X-Force is accustomed to give all customers, their needs that would make them feel at home in Finding X-Force information in the World Wide Web.
X-Force website is easy to navigate. From product information, that includes every machine floor foot print specification, Colour Combination wherein a customer can specifically choose the colours they want to have for their X-Force machines at one’s fingertips and this can be found in a special section called http://www.x-force.se/index.php/colour and other relevant company information. The website will be on a constant development in order to serve customer better now and in the future.
X-Force posses a unique body of values related to Swedish technique and design heritage, know-how, creativity, innovation and art of living.
These values, shared and claimed by the growing number of X-Force customers in Europe, USA, Asia and other parts of the world, constitute the leading factors of X-Force constant growth, and of that of their machine and its training concept.